All Share ISA
For Child Trust Fund holders when they’ve turned 18
If your client has a Healthy Investment Stakeholder Child Trust it will, on their 18th birthday, automatically convert to an adult Healthy Investment All Share ISA, with all of the same features, benefits and risks as the existing Child Trust Fund.
You or your client, don’t have to do anything, it will continue to be invested until they need it for their financial future.
A wide range of
stocks and shares
Our All Share ISA invests in many different stocks and shares by tracking the performance of over 600 of the UK’s top companies.
Available when
they need it
Your client can leave their investment until they are ready to use it for something important. When your client needs it they can withdraw it whenever they want.
Keeping track of
their investment
Every week we publish the price of each unit held in the ISA to help you and your client see the current value of the investment.
In addition to the amount that has been automatically transferred from your clients' CTF they can add to the ISA whenever they want – up to the government maximum of £20,000.
The All Share ISA should be seen as a medium to long term investment but is very flexible, money can be added or withdrawn at any time.
Important Points
Every child born in the UK between 1 September 2002 and 2 January 2011 will have a Child Trust Fund (CTF).
They were opened with a voucher given to parents or guardians and designed to encourage long term savings to give young people a good financial start to adult life. The government made an initial contribution of either £250 or £500 (later reduced to £50) and once opened parents, grandparents and family friends could make additional investments into the fund, up to an annual limit that was set by the government.
Many parents and guardians chose not to invest the voucher and let HM Revenue & Customs, who ran the scheme for the government, allocate the voucher to one of a number of providers including Healthy Investment who were specially selected to operate Stakeholder CTFs.
The government set out specific safeguards including how much risk providers could take, how much they can charge and how often you receive a statement in order for the CTF to be designated a Stakeholder CTF and for the provider to participate in the HMRC allocation scheme.
The Healthy Investment Stakeholder Child Trust Fund invests in a wide range of stocks and shares in order to spread the risk of a single share or sector underperforming by investing in The Healthy Investment All Share Unit-linked Life Fund. The fund, which was previously called the Healthy Investment Stakeholder CTF Equity Unit-linked Life Fund, is currently 100% invested in the Legal & General UK All Share Tracker Fund.
If there's anything
you don't understand,
we're here to help.
Call Jerrol on 0161 762 5790
Alternatively you cansend us a messageusing our contact form.
Contact UsThe All Share ISA
Your clients can save for their financial future with one of UK’s longest established Friendly Societies
The All Share ISA tracks the performance of over 600 UK companies
When your client could like to add to their investment or make a withdrawal just give us a call or send a message