Junior ISA Account

Savings account for grandchildren
With our Junior ISA (Individual Savings Account) you’re giving a child the opportunity to save for a tax free payment when they turn 18. By starting to save and invest for their future today, you’re helping to give them a great financial start in their adult life - whether it’s to pay towards university fees, living expenses or even help towards buying their first house.
Junior ISA account
Our With-profits Junior ISA is a stocks and shares Junior ISA - we invest it in the Healthy Investment Ethical With-profits Fund. It’s a carefully managed fund that includes stocks and shares, company and government bonds, commercial property and bank deposits. The money you put away now will grow through the regular bonuses that we add to the investment every year. (Remember though that bonus rates aren’t guaranteed and can change every year).
Investing for grandchildren

The Junior ISA is an easy way to save and invest to grow a cash sum that will be really appreciated when the child turns 18. You can make regular payments, or even one off payments - for example when they get birthday or Christmas money.

Important Points
Available to any UK resident under the age of 18, who does not have a Child Trust Fund.
Junior ISAs can only be opened by parents or legal guardians of children under 16, but once open anyone can invest in them for the benefit of the child.
If the child is between 16 and 18 they can open one themselves.
You might consider this Junior ISA if you already save for them in a bank or building society savings account and you are now looking to put some money into an investment that has some risk but the potential for higher returns.
Invest up to £9,000 (2024/25 tax year) by adding a monthly amount or a single investment (both a minimum of £10).
If your child has a Junior ISA with another provider you can transfer this into a Healthy Investment stocks and shares Junior ISA without affecting their current Junior ISA tax years allowance.
You can transfer an existing Child Trust Fund to a Junior ISA.
You should see this Junior ISA as a medium to long term investment.
If there's anything
you don't understand,
we're here to help.
Call Jerrol on 0161 762 5790
Alternatively you cansend us a messageusing our contact form.
Contact UsApply Online
Opening a Healthy Investment Junior ISA account is really easy.
If you have any questions now or whilst you are applying just give us a ring or send us a message and we will help you.